John Harper Construction based in Acworth GA
Mailing Address:
1025 Rose Creek Drive, Ste 620
Woodstock, GA 30189
Home Address:
4733 Sugar Hill Road SE
Acworth, GA 30102
See Reviews Below….

Review #2
John Harper was supposed to add an addition onto my house for my mother-in-law. He seemed capable at the beginning but then as time went on, we realized that he may not even capable for a basic shed build. Our project was going to be over $70,000 and he already had a chunk of money by the time we realized this. We have had to pay additional contractors over $25,000 to fix the poor work he did. Then he ran off with our money and left us with an incomplete job. In addition, he did not pay one of the sub- contractors and we had to pay them to keep them from putting a lean on our house. We have over 700 pictures of the progress, or lack thereof, including all the mistakes and problems, along with documentation from other contractors hired to fix his mess. Sueing him may be more trouble than it is worth, as I do not believe he owns anything of value.